Ya, in case you didnt know, the Jonas Brothers went to CT a long time ago and were interviewed by Scot Haney. Mhmm.... I found the interview.,,and.. this morning he was talking about how the NYPD are going to have re-enforced security at Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. They predict there might be a mob of some sort for the Jonas Brothers. High hopes are up that it will not happen. Haha. Scot Haney even said. . . "I was afraid of them. Well, I mean not afraid of them, I was afraid to touch their hair." If I were you Scot, I wouldn't be afraid to touch them at all! I wouldn't let go!!!!!!!! Well, anyways, let's hope for a wonderful performance by the Jonas Brothers and a Happy New Year to all!!!!!!*BTW, if people are curious why I know about this, Imma in CT, that's why, Imma not a stalker**
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