Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Jonas Brothers Hollywood, CA Performances
Posted by Christine at 5:40 PM 0 comments
NYPD Fears Jonas Brothers "Mob Scene" at New Year's Celebration
They may be nothing more than three skinny teenagers with nice hair, but they’ve struck fear into the hearts of New York City’s finest.
The New York Police Department – which has heroically handled terrorist attacks, blackouts and riots without a whimper – is being cautious over the “mob scene” that could result when the Jonas Brothers perform in Times Square at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest on Wednesday night.
According to a source, police officials fessed up to their concerns in a recent meeting with producers of the show.
“So they’re now planning on using extra [security] men for support,” the source says. “It’s going to be crazy because everyone will be in Times Square to watch them perform on the show.”
If the extra cops can’t quell Jonas-mania, maybe Mother Nature can. The forecast for New Year’s Eve is currently a bone-chilling 17 degrees, with a chance of rain or snow.– Michael Y. Park
Source: People Magazine
Posted by Christine at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers Alert NYPD
The Jonas Brothers are ready to rock out Times Square on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve on Wednesday night and the New York Police Department is on high alert.
According to a source, police officials have concerns after a meeting with producers of the annual show. The source shares with People, “So they’re now planning on using extra [security] men for support. It’s going to be crazy because everyone will be in Times Square to watch them perform on the show.”
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest, the JoBros will perform alongside Jesse McCartney, Taylor Swift, Kellie Pickler and more on NBC.
Source: Just Jared Jr.
Posted by Christine at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Joe Jonas Grows Beard or Moustache?
Joe Jonas shows off his new facial hair — a growing beard! — at a restaurant in Texas on Monday night.
The 19-year-old Jonas Brother was joined by his younger brother Nick and a Team Jonas fan.
It was just announced earlier today that the JoBros will be going on a world tour next year. And don’t miss the famed brothers rock out New Year’s Eve, airing TOMORROW, December 31st @ 10PM ET/PT on ABC!
Source: Just Jared Jr.
Posted by Christine at 5:30 PM 0 comments
"Goodbye 2008 - Hello 2009"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
GOODBYE 2008 - HELLO 2009
Category: Music
Hey everyone!
What a year this has been. There are probably not enough words to describe what an amazing year we have lived in 2008. It feels like we were just sitting here writing a blog for the end of 2007. Time has really moved faster than we could have imagined.
As we end the year we wanted to list some of the things we are thankful for in 2008 (and a few things we are excited about for 2009)
In 2008 we are thankful for:
The opportunity to be on the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus tour and the HM 3D movie (which opened at Number 1)
The When You Look Me in the Eyes Tour which started in February.
Our first ever Kids Choice Award for Best GroupOur first ever Teen Choice Awards. You made it possible for us to get 5 awards
.Our first opportunity to tour outside the US. WE opened for Avril Lavigne in Europe. It was a great opportunity to meet people from all over Europe.
The launch of Camp Rock in the US and around the world.
Radio playing our songs - This year they played When You Look Me in the Eyes, Burnin' Up, and LoveBug.Our videos were well received - WYLMITEs, Burnin' Up and LoveBug and you guys made them successful on TV and especially online.
We did a short reality series for the Disney Channel called Jonas Brothers - Living the Dream. They followed us on our WYLMITEs tour.
We had a wonderful summer tour with The Burning Up Tour. We started in Canada and toured all over the US. It was amazing from beginning to end. Some of the highlights included, 3 Madison Square Gardens, release week for our ALBL CD, playing at Woodstock, Toronto, etc.
During the tour we filmed our 3D movie. A lot of you might find yourself in the movie because we filmed it on most of the Burning Up Tour.
We visited MuchMusic in Canada following the European premiere of Camp Rock. It was a total surprise to see that many people in Canada that knew about our music. We can't wait to visit more of Canada on our next tour.
We released on new CD, A Little Bit Longer, around the world. It debuted Number 1 on the US Billboard Chart.
We released our 2 CDs and Camp Rock around the world.Jonas Brothers and A Little Bit Longer have gone Gold or Platinum in 27 nations outside the US (not inlcuding Camp Rock). All 3 CDs went Platinum in the US.
We started filming our new TV show for the Disney Channel called JONAS. We can't wait for you to see it. We have been working hard on this since September.
We won our first American Music Award (AMA) for Breakthrough Artist. It was your votes that allowed us to win.
We release our first book of photos from the last couple years that made it to Number 1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List for its category.
We won an award for Best English act in Mexico. Then we went back for our first stadium show.
At the end of the year we were nominated for a Best New Artist Grammy. We don't even know what to say about this honor. It is a complete shock and thrill all at the same time.
This has been one of the best years of our lives. None of this would have been possible without you. You have made our dreams come true.
Thank you Disney, Hollywood Records, TV, radio, film, etc. But most of all THANK YOU!!!!
Looking ahead to 2009...
In February you can see our new 3D movie
Later in the year we will debut our Disney Channel how, JONAS
we will launch our first ever JB WORLD TOUR
Thank you, thank you, thank you
You are the best fans in the world.
Thanks for allowing us to live our dreams.
Kevin, Joe and Nick
Posted by Christine at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers on Better Connecticut!
Ya, in case you didnt know, the Jonas Brothers went to CT a long time ago and were interviewed by Scot Haney. Mhmm.... I found the interview.,,
and.. this morning he was talking about how the NYPD are going to have re-enforced security at Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. They predict there might be a mob of some sort for the Jonas Brothers. High hopes are up that it will not happen. Haha. Scot Haney even said. . . "I was afraid of them. Well, I mean not afraid of them, I was afraid to touch their hair." If I were you Scot, I wouldn't be afraid to touch them at all! I wouldn't let go!!!!!!!! Well, anyways, let's hope for a wonderful performance by the Jonas Brothers and a Happy New Year to all!!!!!!
*BTW, if people are curious why I know about this, Imma in CT, that's why, Imma not a stalker**
Posted by Christine at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience, "Video Girl"
I found this vid of Video Girl on YouTube, courtesy of InseperablefromJonas. I'm not sure if this is the actual footage for the 3D movie or not, but oh well. Enjoy!
Posted by Christine at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
It has been released that the date of the new Jonas Brothers album will be released on…
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ,
Some sources say that the album will be released June 19th, June 20th, and so on. On an interview, the Jonas Brothers said that they would release their new album on August 11th, 2009.
We don’t know if the Jonas Brothers will keep that date or push it back like they did with a “A Little Bit Longer”!
Posted by Christine at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Smaller News for 12/26 (Late Again)
On Wednesday December 31st, there will be a re-run episode of JB’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. You can check for local listings by clicking here.
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On MTV Tr3s you can vote for WYLMITE as the Top Video Since Day 1 of Mi TRL! You can vote for it by clicking here.
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On the Dutch version of TMF the made a chart called TMF Top 100 of 2008. The Jonas Brothers came in #34 with Burnin’ Up!
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JB came in at #1 for the males on Much Music’s Top 20 Sexiest Stars of 2008! Congrats to the boys!
Posted by Christine at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Much Smaller News for 12/25 (Yea. I know its late)
I didn’t get to post this last night. As you may know, Timbaland worked with the Jonas Brothers, Below is the idea of what the song is about and the title of the song. The song will be on Timbaland’s new album dropping in February 2009!
For the Disney Channel’s “Totally New Year” event happening on December 31st, you can vote for your favorite episodes of different Disney Channel shows. One of the categories you can vote on is your Favorite Jonas Brothers: Living The Dream episode. It’s under “Rocking The Dream” and one of the episodes nominated is where they talk about Nick’s diabetes. Also, it’s been rumored they MIGHT be showing some previews of upcoming 2009 shows, so there might be a sneak peek of JONAS, but you have to tune in and see. To vote click here.
The Jonas Brothers had the #2 Pop video of 2008, with Burnin’ Up on Much Top Pop on MuchMusic for Tuesday, December 23, 2008.
Posted by Christine at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jonas Brothers 'Joyful Kings' Performance
From the Jonas Brothers' MySpace:
Thursday, December 25, 2008MERRY CHRISTMAS
Hey everyone!
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
You have made this the best year of our lives.
We cannot imagine doing anything else.
We all hope you have the best Christmas ever!
Kevin, Joe and Nick
Posted by Christine at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Popstar! Clears Up Some JoBro Rumors
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Clearing Up Some Jonas Rumors!
Hey guys!
We got lots o’ JoBros scoop for you today, so sit back, relax, and take it all in! lol
A few weeks back, the Internet was abuzz with rumors of a Jonas sighting at a jewelry store in Texas. Eyewitnesses supposedly placed the Jonas boys there with Momma Jonas. It wasn’t long before the rumors began spinning that Kevin was buying an engagement ring for his girlfriend Danielle.
Of course we had to get to the bottom of this and the verdict is….
Eh not so much!
Here’s the truth straight from the boys’ mouths!
Kevin: No, not ring shopping.
Nick: Our mom wasn’t even there.
Kevin: If you look at the pictures, you can see there was no one in the store with us.
Joe: We were shopping in the mall and we were doing Christmas shopping and we love David Yurman, we all have like, David Yurman pieces and his brand new jewelry just came out so we’re like, “Oh, let’s go in there.” We were joking, we were saying, “Oh, one of us is going to be ring shopping,” and an hour later…
Nick: I think our Aunt, actually, it was so funny because she was in there with us and we were shopping for a couple people but just for fun, she looked at this ring and it had this HUGE ring…
Kevin: It was like this big! [Holds out fingers]
Joe: She held it up and there were all these fans in the window and Kevin’s behind her and I was like [opens mouths and puts hands on cheeks] ahhh!! Nooo!! It was so bad! Put it down!
Kevin: Whatever we did buy, we hid and went to the back room cause we didn’t want our secret gifts for our parents to get out, so.
Nick: There’s a couple [of rumors out there] that are pretty funny.
Kevin: Yeah, there’s always some…
Nick: I like that, that was my favorite one.
Kevin: No, that our mom was there and…
Nick: I was like, “Kevin, thanks for telling me that you’re getting engaged! I was in the store with you!”
Kevin: My dad calls me, my dad actually called me, “Is there something I should know Kevin?” I’m like, “Dad, really? Like, come on!” So it was really funny.
We knew there wasn’t much truth to THAT rumor. Thanks to the guys for helping squash it!
What’s another Jonas rumor you’d LOVE to have cleared up??
And yes, we have even MORE Jonas news for you…on popstaronline.com!
Head over to popstaronline.com to check out the holiday card that the Jonas family sent out this year! PLUS quotes from the guys about how they’re going to spend their Christmas this year. You don’t wanna miss it! Go to popstaronline.com or just click HERE!
Happy Holidays!
<3 Christina
Source: Popstar! Magazine (Myspace)
Posted by Christine at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Popstar! Interviews the Jonas Brothers at Paradise Island
GAH! It’s so cute!!
Speaking of Christmas, we talked a lot about the holidays when we saw the Jonases on December 13th in the Bahamas on Paradise Island!
Here is what the boys had to say about their fave holiday traditions!!
What’s a Jonas Christmas like?
Joe: Last year was spent in New York City and that was really cool.
Kevin: Fantastic! One of our favorite Christmases.
Nick: I think this year will be really nice though because we’ll be for the first time at our home in Texas so it will be warm enough to play golf which I’m gonna love but also cold enough to feel like Christmas and all that. And we have our Uncle Josh who lives in Texas and now with our new Aunt, they just got married. Family, friends.
Joe: I think our grandparents are going to come out too.
Nick: It’s going to be really nice, we’re really excited about it.
We’re in the Bahamas which is so strange to me - I hear Christmas music and I’m wearing flip flops! I’ve never been in a warm climate for Christmas!
Kevin: Absolutely, no it’s really funny. We were driving in and this is very new to us being able to be in a warm climate.
Joe: We were in California and like, it’s super hot out but, you know, we’re listening to Christmas music and it’s something we’ve always done every year, listen to Christmas music, and get in the spirit. But it’s much easier when its freezing cold and there’s snow on the ground!
Nick: We’ve been listening to Christmas music for about 2 months now.
Kevin: It all started…
Joe: Being in Kevins car…
Nick: The minute I put another layer on, like other than a t-shirt, when it was cold enough to put like, a long sleeve shirt on, I was like alright! Yeah!
Kevin: I pulled out the turtleneck the other day! I’m like, it’s on! [laughs]
Joe: A scarf, it’s all over. [laughs]
Nick: “Are you tutlenecking?”
Kevin: Yeah, he goes, “Are you turtlenecking right now?” You know it! [laughs]
Joe: It was such a classic “Ron Burgundy” turtleneck.
Kevin: It was like the beige..
Joe: It was like faded beige!
Nick: Faded beige, I like that color.
Kevin: You mean white? [laughs]
Nick: Kind of. [laughs]
What do you guys like to find under the tree? Is there anything every year you look forward to?
Joe: Presents.
Kevin: Stockings are fun for us, it’s all our necessities, like our razors, things that you know you need.
Joe: Stockings are awesome. Chellus are the best. Mom! Chellus! Like little chocolate covered strawberries, the best.
Kevin: Giving gifts is just so exciting.
Nick: The best thing was when I could pay for things with my own money, when I turned like 13 and I could finally have something that I could pay for as opposed to someone else paying for it and that was such a great feeling and then I fell in love with giving gifts as opposed to, you kinda become that age and oh, it’s so much more fun to give them.
Joe: It’s so nice seeing their face when it’s like, “wow, I would totally use this” or “I really like this.”
Kevin: You purchased it like a month ago already, and you’re like, I want to give! You keep going to your closet and ohh, that persons gonna love this, you know, you just get excited! Half our gifts are already in Texas waiting, so.
Nick: I’m not done shopping. I have a couple more people to get…
Kevin: I have not shopped for you boys, I’m gonna be honest with you.
Nick: Me either!
Kevin: OK.
Nick: I say we just don’t give gifts to each other, that’d be good.
Joe: Well I already got your gift.
Nick: Alright, that was me trying to get out of it. [laughs]
Kevin: The gifts that matter are the things you paid attention to someone saying like 8 months ago. That they still don’t have or things like that.
As usual, the boys were hilarious, super nice and had tons of personal stories to share with me!! Look for more from our Jonas in Paradise interview in future blogs on Popstaronline.com, MySpace.com/popstarmagazine and in future issues of Popstar!
Posted by Christine at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Popstar Magazine: 'OMG! The Jonas family Christmas Card!'
We consider ourselves very luck here at Popstar! We got a Christmas card from the Jonas family! Eeek!!
We wanted to share the coolest thing ever with YOU, Popstar! readers!! This is the actual picture that came with the Jonas family Christmas card this year!!
Posted by Christine at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Smaller News from Yesterday!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008Jonas Brothers Featured on “MySpace Celebrity Impact”Category: Music
The Jonas Brothers are helping The Salvation Army move its famous Red Kettles, which have been an American tradition since 1891, online by partaking in the Online Red Kettle program, which summons donations to help needy Americans have a more fulfilling holiday season. The chart-topping trio recently filmed a public service announcement to draw support for and attention to the campaign, and MySpace Celebrity has the behind-the-scenes footage!
Click here to check it out!
Source: JB’s Myspace
The re-run episode of the Jonas Brothers on ‘Live With Regis and Kelly‘ will air on Friday, December 26th. It will be them when they performed the song, “A Little Bit Longer”.
Incredible Gifts have life size cutouts of the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato (Camp Rock). You can check them out by clicking here. And coming in January 2009, they will release the cutouts of the Jonas Brothers from their “A Little Bit Longer” album, which can be found here.
As a reminder, Make sure you vote the Jonas Brothers on Much Music’s Holiday Wrap’s “Who Did It Best” by clicking here. They are currently losing against Twilight. Then remember to vote for the Jonas Brothers and Joe Jonas for the Z100 Awards by clicking here.
Jennifer Conlin is selling her SIGNED COPY of the Jonas Brothers’ first album “It’s About TIme” on ebay. She attended the release of the album and got it personally signed by the boys. You can view the auction by clicking here, serious bidders only!
Posted by Christine at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jonas Brothers Sing 'Feliz Navidad' at Foro Sol, Mexico City!
Posted by Christine at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Happy Holidays from the Jonas Brothers to Team Jonas!
'Earlier today this message was sent to everyone who subscribed to their newsletter (including non-TJ members)And even if you're not TJ, they love all their fans, so I'm sure you know they wish you a happy holidays too.It's great for the world to see what the Jonas Brothers do:they take time to show their appreciation for their fan club. So keep in mind they love all of you and not Team Jonas more than others.The love all their fans the same, & fans should know that.
Posted by Christine at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Jonas Brothers New YouTube Upload: "Jonas Brothers - Superstition -Live with Jordin Sparks"
Courtesy: JonasBrothersMusic (Jonas Brothers)
Awww... it's Nick's favorite song!!! They did a spectacular performance after the AMA's. I just wish they posted the whole performance up!
Posted by Christine at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Jonas Holiday Festivities
The Jonas Brothers are all about family during the holiday season and recently dished to JJJ on what they’re looking forward to the most.
Here’s what Nick, Joe, and Kevin had to say:
On their plans for the holidays: To surround ourselves with family and friends.
On where they’ll be spending the holidays: At our home.
On family traditions: Decorate the tree as a family.
On their favorite holiday dish: Turkey with the fixings.
On their favorite holiday decoration: Christmas tree.
On their favorite holiday movie and song: Elf is our favorite movie and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” for a song.
On holiday memories: Last Christmas we were on tour and spent our Christmas in New York City.
On what’s on their their Christmas list: A bulldog (Joe)
On the best gift for the holidays: Snow for Christmas.
On their dream holiday destination: At home with our family and closest friends.
Source: Just Jared Jr.
Posted by Christine at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Live Design "Burnin' Up with the Jonas Brothers"
Disney darlings, the Jonas Brothers just wrapped the second leg of the massive Burning Up tour in support of debut album, A Little Bit Longer, with additional dates sprinkled throughout the fall and winter. Operating under the philosophy that more really is more, the brothers approached co-production designers John LaBriola and Rob Brenner to come up with designs that would work well in arenas and amphitheatres. The second leg was to be bigger and better, and like the previous leg, LED/video content played a starring role.
The design mandate was to keep it colorful and moving. “The show was very energetic, and I wanted the visual elements to play a large part in that with lots of accents and changes — as a big choreographed part of the performance without upstaging it,” LaBriola says.
Although there was no dedicated original projection on this leg of the tour, Screenworks provided a number of screens, including one high-resolution 24′×14′ Toshiba 10mm screen upstage center that dominated the show with I-Mag footage mixed with some stock content LaBriola tweaked. “Lighting came secondary to make the scenes and add the emphasis to each song,” he explains. “I essentially aimed for beginning, middle, and end with every song with the video.” The tour also had a mix of Panasonic and Sony 20mm screens, as well as lower res strips, also from Screenworks.
Lighting gear included Coemar Infinity units, Vari-Lite VL3000s, VL1000s, VL500s, PixelRange PixelBrick LEDs, Main Light MF3s, Zap Technology LittleBig units, Martin Atomic 3000s, 8-Light Mole Fay units, and Hazebase hazers, all run on an MA Lighting grandMA, with one more for backup, as well as three grandMA video servers networked together via an Ethernet switch, and four MA NSPs.
LaBriola notes that the Coemar Infinity units “were the foundation of the show. I played the video walls very bright. The Infinities punched right through that and held their own,” he says. Another workhorse on the tour was the Main Light MF3s. “On the eye-candy side, they’re fantastic,” he says. “They provide limitless options when mixed with either mapping or just custom effects. As a light source, they’re equally powerful. They provided an outstandingly bright, even wash.” All lighting gear was provided by BML-Blackbird.
Having just four days (outside in an amphitheatre) of full production rehearsals, LaBriola programmed on ESP Vision. “This was the largest show I’ve programmed on Vision,” he says. “Being outdoors pretty much cut my effective programming time to just those nights. This was also the first and only time we got to work out the kinks and put together the pyro/lasers which are also a huge element of the show.”
Lorenzo Cornacchia, vice president of Pyrotek Special Effects and Laser Design Productions, created an array of atmospheric scans and beam effects used throughout a sequence of songs. The laser system comprised one 10W white light diode laser system positioned upstage center, two 4W white light diode laser systems located on stage left and right of the drum risers, and an additional two 40W high-powered Yag laser systems located off-stage left and right. Each of the 40W Yag laser systems included a 12-position laser projector with two fiber-fed remote scanners, while a total of 40 bounce mirrors were positioned on the downstage truss and stage floor. The lasers were managed by laser crew chief Gordon Hum and laser technician Brian Van Tright.
The pyro consisted of 16 Silver Waterfall Gerbs, four Silver Gerbs, 14 15′ to 20′ Gold Flitter Mines, 28 15′ to 20′ Red Comets with tails, 20 1×20 Silver Gerbs, 12 1×15 Gold Gerbs, 9 15′ to 20′ Gold Airbursts, nine Hot Bursts, six large regular Fireballs, 14 White Flash with bang, five Dragons/Propane effect with tails, and a 64′ Fire Screen effect.
LaBriola and Brenner are already planning a third leg to go out in the spring, with even more in store for fans. LaBriola gives extra props to the BML crew, saying, “We couldn’t have done it without them — Ritchie Steffa, Kevin Pampel, Mike Brancato, Rich Jackson, Gerald Kaiser, and extra thanks to Troy Giddens, who did all of the spot-calling and tolerated me with the greatest of ease.”
Posted by Christine at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Smaller News for Monday 12/22
Today you can watch a re-run of when the boys were on the Ellen DeGeneres Show a while back (in September) performing Love Bug outdoors; other special guest is Michelle Obama.
Jonas Brothers silver earings are featured on MSN’s Gifts Under $20 for the Music Lover.
Radio Disney is giving youngsters the chance to ring in the New Year with the Jonas Brothers.
Between now and Dec. 25, children ages 14-and-under can enter the “All Wrapped Up” Mega Holiday Sweepstakes by calling the Radio Disney request lines (1-888-327-7018) and/or by entering the code word of the day online at www.RadioDisney.com/.
The winner will get tickets to see Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas in New York’s Time Square on New Year’s Eve. Everyone else can watch their performance on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest” on ABC.
A second sweepstakes starts Dec. 27, when Radio Disney listeners will have a chance to win tickets to the red-carpet premiere of Walt Disney Pictures’ “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience” presented in Disney Digital 3D.
–Penny TV
Source: NewsOk.com
Posted by Christine at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Don't Forget to Watch!
Don't forget to watch "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" tonight @ 9! The Jonas Brothers will be featured on it!!!!
Posted by Christine at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
ET Online: Jonas Brothers at Disney's Star Studded Christmas Day Parade
- Video: ET Online
*If the video does not start, it may be temporarily unavailable or disabled, as I have seen it on other sites*
Posted by Christine at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Young Hollywood: A to Zac
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Posted by Christine at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Scholastic News: "A Chat with the Jonas Brothers"
Posted by Carly H. on December 19, 2008 6:46 AM in Media
Hey all you Jonas Brothers fans — do I have something for you! Kevin, Nick, and Joe were recently interviewed for Scholastic’s classroom magazines (like Scope and Action), and the boys talked all about being authors (their book, Burning Up: On Tour with the Jonas Brothers, came out last month) and who picks up the check on a date! Check it out:
How does it feel to be authors?
Nick: It’s great. I haven’t even finished high school yet, so it’s very exciting.
Joe: It’s very exciting. It’s a cool feeling. It’s nice because it’s not just a storybook, but also a picture book. So we’re able to really express how we’re feeling about our lives, but able to show you what it’s like also, and that’s what I think I like about this book. I’m proud about this book
Kevin: I totally agree.
Did you pick the photos?
Nick: Over time we started to pick some of our favorites and compiled all of these, and that was the book, and it all turned out great.
Kevin: We really actually looked at all of the pictures and went through one by one. I think we literally spent a full 24 hours on the phone over an amount of time — a couple of days between each of us talking about each picture, telling what was our favorite picture, favorite things. All the information there, we spent a lot of time writing out and working with the people helping us out.
This book would make a great Valentine’s gift to any Jonas-crazed fan! Any funny Valentine’s stories/memories?
Kevin: We’ve been on the road pretty much most Valentine’s Days.
Nick: We played a couple of shows on Valentine.s Day; it’s extra special that day. Extra Valentine’s-y. Gift-friendly. We get/give lots of gifts that day.
Speaking of romance, are you old-fashioned guys that open doors for women and pay for the bills. Who should pay on a first date: boy, girl, or split?
All: We get the bills. Absolutely.
Split the bill ever?
Joe: No, never. We always take care of the bill.
Even if she insists?
Joe: Never, still don’t let her.
Nick: That would be the last date . . . Ha ha, just kidding.
Any fun date ideas that wouldn’t cost a lot of money?
Nick: If there’s a carnival in town, that’s always fun. All the games, too, are classic dating material.
So there you have it girls — if you’re ever lucky enough to go on a date with a Jonas, head to the carnival and let him pay!
And keep an eye out for Scholastic News Online’s review of Burning Up: On Tour with the Jonas Brothers in their Kids Read section!
Source: Scholastic News [From Kaley]
Posted by Christine at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Joe's Seal Scare!
Pay more attention toward the end when Kevin says, "Wanna go again?"
Courtesy: Rockstar81589
Hehe. Joe, she's just trying to say "Kiss Me Joe" in seal language!
Posted by Christine at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience Official Trailer!

Courtesy: LyingOnTheFloor
The Jonas Brothers head to the big screen—in Disney Digital 3-D™—in a high-energy Walt Disney Pictures rockumentary feature film event from director Bruce Hendricks ("Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert"). The film blends excerpts from the Brothers' red-hot "Burning Up" concert tour, including guest performances from Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift, with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, off-the-wall segments, a never-before-heard song ("Love Is On Its Way"), swarming fans and a lot of JB-style humor—giving fans never-before-seen insights into the lives of Kevin, Joe and Nick.
Copyright 2008 Walt Disney Pictures
Posted by Christine at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Tommy2.net: Jonas Brothers' 3D Movie Soundtrack
The “soundtrack” for Jonas Brothers‘ upcoming 3D concert movie will be released on February 24th, three days before the movie is released in theaters. (If you re-post this information please give credit).
Source/Credit: Tommy2.net
Posted by Christine at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
hey guys its Avery! I'm here to tell you that I am a new team member of JB fandemonium! I will be contributing to the website all of your Jonas goodies and stuff like that!
Posted by avery at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers on The Insider: Reveal Their Bahamas Trip and Clear Up Some Rumors
Posted by Christine at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Nick Jonas is in Puppy Love!
These days, the question that seems to be on every Jonas Brothers fan is: who is Nick crushing on?! The truth of the matter is that the one living creature who seems to have Nick wrapped around their finger isn’t a person at all. It’s his dog, Elvis!
BOP! hung out with The Jonas Brothers recently and Nick brought his pooch along. As soon as we saw Nick and Elvis together, we instantly new that Elvis has stolen Nick’s heart! Just look at the below pic BOP! snapped and see the love for yourself!
Posted by Christine at 3:21 PM 0 comments
JoBros Tell All How Excited They are for New Year's!
With the New Year right around the corner, one might think that Nick, Kevin and Joe would be planning some huge party to ring in 2009 Jonas style. But, as many of you know, the boys are set to perform as one of the guests on Dick Clark’s Rock N’ Roll Christmas. So, are the boys bummed they won’t be partyin’ it up this New Years Eve with their pals? Not at all! In fact, when I asked Nick J how he felt about performing this New Years again he said he was, “so excited! We’ll be playing in Times Square this time.” Kevin then quickly joined in with a smile and agreed, “It’s going to be a blast. Can’t wait!” Yet another reason that proves Jonas lives for their fans 24/7 even on holidays. Thanks, guys!
Are YOU gonna tune in New Years eve to watch Jonas perform?!
Posted by Christine at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers to Perform on Walt Disney Christmas Celebration!
Don't miss the Jonas Brothers perform JOYFUL KINGS on the Walt Disney Christmas Day Celebration on ABC-TV on December 25th!
Posted by Christine at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Team Jonas Announcement!
We’ve got another very special show and pre-sale announcement for you. On Sunday, March 22, Jonas Brothers will be heading to the Caribbean to perform at Coliseo de Puerto Rico in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico! FYI, this is the same venue that Jonas supporter and Camp Rock co-star Demi Lovato is headlining this Sunday!
And the biggest news? On Friday, December 19 from 10:00 AM (local time) through Saturday, December 20 at 5:00 PM, Team Jonas Fan Club members will have an exclusive opportunity to purchase tickets early for this show! Regular tickets go on sale on Sunday, December 21 at 6pm (local)…
Hope to see you at the show!
Team Jonas
Source: Team Jonas
Posted by Christine at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers 3D Movie Pictures!
Nick and Joe Jonas in “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience”Photo: Disney
The Jonas Brothers haven’t changed much since they made their 3-D debut in “Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour” — you know, aside from having multiplied their legions of dedicated fans, releasing a hit album, creating their own TV show and getting the opportunity to star in their own 3-D movie.
“They’re absolutely still as grounded,” said one of the movie’s producers, Art Repola, who also got to know the brothers when he worked on “Best of Both Worlds.” “They do the whole thing. I think they continue to get better. And they’re absolutely as grounded as before.”
Check out two exclusive photos from the Jonas Brothers’ movie here.
The film sets out to give fans complete access to the guys, from the time they get onstage to the intimate moments they spend off of it, including shooting a video for the brand-new song “Love Is on Its Way.” Repola boasted that even if you’ve been to one of their shows, this movie is still a better experience.
“I think if you went to the concert and you sat in the front row, your seats are not as good as it’s going to be in the film,” he said. “I think to really see what’s going on beyond watching a music video of concert film, that’ll be the best experience. It’s surprising when you see the film and you see the size of the crowds.”
Repola, who describes the brothers as “crazy famous” and “the real deal,” said that it was eye-opening to spend every moment with them and experience their hectic lives first-hand.
“I just think [the fans are] going to be surprised at the cumulative experience of what happens from the time they wake up to the end of the day,” he said. “It’s not a band where they have a show that night and they’re lying around the hotel. It’s constant appearances and interviews and events. I think it’ll be surprising.”
Repola recalled one moment in particular when he witnessed the pinnacle of JoBro chaos. “The record dropped in Times Square, and there were 15 or 20,000 fans there at midnight on a weekday,” he explained. “The amount of the excitement was overwhelming. And it never stops.”
Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato make cameos in the movie, and Repola likens their appearances to the ones made by superstars in the Martin Scorsese/Rolling Stones documentary “Shine a Light.”
Despite all their success, Repola walked away from the experience thinking the boys are “just incredibly polite, incredibly smart, no nonsense. Fun, but no nonsense,” he said. “I think that’s refreshing today. They’re teenage guys and rock-and-roll stars at the same time.”
Source: MTV News
Posted by Christine at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Best Songs of 2008
‘Burnin’ Up,’ Jonas Brothers
Laugh all you want(DON'T), but the Jo Bros actually have more in common with the Beatles than the Monkees. Before they were teen sensations, they were a struggling working band who were rejected by a major label. They also write their own songs, and they struck gold with ‘Burnin’ Up,’ a wicked catchy little number that could be heard piping out of minivans — and on more subway iPods than most of us would care to admit.
Posted by Christine at 7:48 PM 0 comments
I just wanted to let you know that the Jonas Brothers are losing in the categories of:
SONG OF THE YEAR - click here
ARTIST OF THE YEAR - click here
The band, Tokio Hotel are beating them so far. Remember, 100 votes per day/or 100 votes every 4 hour works a lot. Here is a little trick in case you need it.
1- Go to the page and click on the artist u want to vote for (Jonas Brothers)
2- Then clich vot and stay in that page
3- The Just press the key F5 then click RETRY, do that until the page tells you that you have already voted
Posted by Christine at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers 3D Concert to Feature New Track "Love is on Its Way"
In the song’s video, the boys take over Central Park dressed as horse-drawn carriage driver, a cop and a hot-dog vendor.By Jocelyn Vena
Photo: Frazer Harrison/ Getty Images
When the Jonas Brothers hit the multiplex in February, fans will get to hear something that they’ve never heard before from the guys. MTV News has learned that the movie will include a brand-new, exclusive song, called “Love Is on Its Way.”
“It’s one of those songs that starts out [upbeat], and then halfway through it hits a downbeat,” said Art Repola, a producer of “Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience.”
The Jonas Brothers shot the video for the song in New York’s Central Park back in August, and despite the amount of attention the boys get from screaming girls, Repola said it was easy to shoot in such public spaces. “It was [crazy], but we had a lot of security,” he said. “There was not a problem, surprisingly. [But] wherever they go, throngs follow.”
The guys play characters in the video, as they did in the clip for “Burnin’ Up.” Nick is a horse-drawn carriage driver, Joe is a cop and Kevin is a hot-dog vendor — roles that Repola said the guys were excited to take on.
“I think the idea to do this was [director Bruce Hendricks']. I don’t remember how we decided [who would do what],” he said. “But they sure had a lot of fun. They were completely open. We set out from the beginning to capture a day in the life. We had a lot of access to everything.”
Of course, this isn’t all the Jonas Brothers news we have. Check back Friday to see exclusive pictures and more scoop on the upcoming movie.
For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com.
Source: MTV.com
Posted by Christine at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Radio Disney Jams Volume 11!!
Yes, some happy CD News now:
Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, and The Jonas Brothers lend their voices to the newest edition of the popular CD series: Radio Disney Jams, Volume 11.
The two-disc EP is jam-packed with loads of features and amazing songs. On disc one, you’ll get all your favorite music tracks of the year, including “Leavin’” from Jesse McCartney and “Get Back” from Demi Lovato. Disc two features actual vids! You’ll get to see Jordan Pruitt perform at the Disney Channel games and even get an exclusive look inside the making of Hannah Montana star Mitchel Musso’s album!
The CD hits shelves on January 27, 2009 so pre-order your own copy @ Amazon!
Full track listing below the cut…
Disc: 1
1. “Burnin’ Up” - Jonas Brothers
2. “Fly on the Wall” - Miley Cyrus
3. “Crush” - David Archuleta
4. “Teardrops on My Guitar” - Taylor Swift
5. “The In Crowd” - Mitchel Musso
6. “Get Back” - Demi Lovato
7. “Scream” - Troy (Performed by Zac Efron)
8. “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know” - Selena Gomez
9. “Leavin’” (Radio Disney Version) - Jesse McCartney
10. “Goodbyes” - Savannah Outen
11. “Amazed” - Vanessa Hudgens
12. “Future Love” - Varsity Fan Club
13. “One Love” - Jordan Pruitt
14. “Check Yes, Juliet” - We the Kings
15. “Distracted” - KSM
Disc: 2
1. “Right Here, Right Now” - Troy and Gabriella (Performed by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens)
2. “Future Love” - Varsity Fan Club
3. “Burnin’ Up” - Jonas Brothers
4. “Fly on the Wall” - Live Performance by Miley Cyrus at the Disney Channel Games
5. “One Love” - Live Performance by Jordan Pruitt at the Disney Channel Games
6. Mitchel Musso’s Making of the Album
7. KSM’s Meet the Band
Posted by Christine at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Yes, here we are again, meddling with celeb's personal lives. But, I did have to post this:
Demi Lovato may be super close to the Jonas Brothers, but the Camp Rock star wants to make one thing clear: It’s a platonic friendship.
“I’ve never kissed a Jonas brother, period,” Lovato, 16, tells Seventeen’s prom/winter special issue. “That would be kind of weird. Even in Camp Rock, Joe and I never kissed.”
“We’re all friends,” she says. “But they’re not the type of guys that I’d be into dating – or else I’d be dating one!”
Lovato opened for the brothers on their Burning Up tour, and says that being around them all the time created a sense of family.
Each Brother is Different
“They’ve become like brothers to me,” she says. “I even put on my glasses and wear sweatpants around them because you wouldn’t put makeup on for just your brothers.”
Lovato reveals she has different relationships with each one. She says Nick, 16, loves to talk about conspiracy theories with the actress. But she feels closest to Joe, 19.
“I can definitely call Joe a best friend,” she says. “On one of the first nights of filming Camp Rock, we sat there and spilled everything, and I talked about how I was bullied in school when I was younger. It was emotional, but it brought us close. I’m able to go to all of them with my problems.”…
Posted by Christine at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Kevin Jonas engaged to Danielle Deleasa?
Yup, it's all over the internet now. Kevin Jonas engaged to Danielle Deleasa? True or Fact? Many of us don't know for sure, but the rumors are all over the media now. Did they or did they not? In the past few months, we've seen them walking together in several locations and they seem like they are getting serious about their relationship. But for now, we'll consider this as a rumor. People, if they are a couple, please stop getting into their personal lives and relationships. That is what the press and paparazzi need to do. JUST BACK OFF!!!
Here are what some sources say:
A few people wrote in that Danielle Deleasa was with Kevin Jonas in the Bahamas this weekend. Jessica said that Danielle was flashing a new engagement ring: 'I was at the Atlantis this weekend in the Bahamas.
When we booked our room, my family and I had NO idea it was a Jonas Brothers convention so we were in for a surprise when we arrived.. there
were girls all under the age of 13 running around the resort, screaming.
We stayed at the Cove and the Jonas family was a few floors up from us. On Saturday night, when we were coming back from dinner, the eldest brother Kevin, and his girlfriend were in the same elevator as us. They were all lovey dovey, making out in front of us, holding hands.
It was quite odd seeing as Kevin is a Disney star
. The girl [Danielle] was sporting quite the flashy ring on her left ring finger. My father is a jeweler, and after we got off the elevator at our floor, he said that was an engagement ring. Just thought I'd let you know, the oldest Jonas is taken off the market!'
Kevin Jonas is apparently engaged to longtime girlfriend Danielle Deleasa.Rumors are claiming that Kevin Jonas purchased an engagement ring for Danielle Deleasa. Kevin was seen shopping at high end jewelry store David Yurman with his brothers and mother Denise on Saturday night.
To add fuel to the fire Denise has revealed that she would like to be present to pick out the engagement rings for her son’s future wives.
Kevin has also mentioned that he would like to get married at a young age.David Yurman is home of some of the most beautiful engagement rings in the US.
Posted by Christine at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Popstar!: The Jonases in Paradise & Nick's Piano Concert
Popstar! caught up with the Jonas Brothers on their trip to the Bahamas, while they stay at the Cove.
Hehe. Nick's Piano Concert. He is soo cute when he bops his head like that!
Posted by Christine at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Even the Jonas Brothers Get Bad Gifts on Christmas!
As the holiday season approaches, celebs like the Jonas Brothers reveal the worst gifts they have ever received.
Posted by Christine at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers Christmas Postcard Video!
Ever needed to send a quick Christmas E-card to a friend or family member? Well there is a Christmas e-card with a Jonas Brothers VIDEO message. If you want to send one to someone, check it out by clicking here.
Posted by Christine at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Info on Dick Clark's New Year's Eve Performances
Forget the economic recession: Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve is going for the gold with host Ryan Seacrest when ringing in 2009 from Times Square.
The Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift and Lionel Richie will perform live on the ABC broadcast, says the network, which also announced Monday that Kellie Pickler will handle live reports from the scene in the middle of New York City.
Meanwhile, during segments of the show emanating from Hollywood, hostess Fergie will officiate over performances by Natasha Bedingfield, Fall Out Boy, Jesse McCartney, Ne-Yo, Pussycat Dolls, Solange and Robin Thicke.
The annual tradition kicks off Wednesday, Dec. 31, at 10 p.m. ET.
Posted by Christine at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Jonas Brothers to Perform at Christmas Day Parade @ Disney
Posted by Christine at 9:29 PM 0 comments